Legal subjectity in private-public law: categorical-conceptual cognition in the context of general theory of law
private-public law, subjects of private-public law, category «legal subjectivity», notion «private-public legal subjectivity»Abstract
The private-public sphere in law is constituted through the essential commonality of subjects and methods of those sectors that form it. The conventionally common subject of private-public sectors of law are social relations arising between natural persons, legal entities and various associations of the first and/or second in the process of realization by these subjects of their personal interests at the expense of public resources and subject to public interests. The methods of private-public sectors of law are characterized by a combination of imperative and dispositive elements, when the latter are playing a decisive role. In addition, the sectoral legal norms of private-public origin are consolidated into a specific integrity by a special system of generic principles.
The essential features, generally inherent in nature of private-public legal subjectivity, include, firstly, its integrity and structural completeness (which means the constant presence at the disposal of the subject of law the appropriate scope of private-public legal capacity, delictual capacity and active capacity), secondly, internal systemic concordance (which does not provide for the domination of separate structural element in the private-public legal subjectivity), thirdly, the functioning of this legal phenomenon mainly in the format of special legal subjectivity and, fourthly, diversity of its species (which allocated by functional content).
In the doctrines of private-public sectors of law the application of the notions «legal capacity» and «active capacity» to the characteristic of the relevant sectoral phenomena of legal subjectivity causes a critical attitude. Instead, on the basis of concrete provisions of sectoral legislation the scientists propose to use the notion of the «competence» which has more large volume of content and publicly-legal origin. The notion of «delictual capacity», despite the essentiality of its methodological potential, in the doctrines of the private-public law has not received proper admission and research.
Private-public legal subjectivity – it’s a specific kind of legal subjectivity, which is inherent to natural persons, legal entities and their various partially personalized associations, which within the current legal order and at the expense of public resources realize their personal interests
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