Implementation of the independence principle in the implementation of certain types of legal activities


  • Nataliia Perepelytsia National Academy of Internal Affairs Solomianska sq., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03035, Ukraine



advocacy, independence, notary, principles, prosecutor's office, professional ethics, court, legal activity


This article is devoted to the modern problems of the implementation of the independence principle in the process of practical legal activity. Modern domestic science almost does not contain systematic and thorough researches of this problem. Scientific research is limited to specific branches of law or types of legal profession. Independence is one of the most important and significant legal principles that are embodied both in the process of creation and in the process of implementing legal norms.

The analysis of the main provisions of legal acts devoted to the regulation of various types of legal activity shows the following. The independence principle has been formalized at the level of law. However, different legal acts have different interpretations and the scope of the concept. Consequently, there is a difference in understanding and application of this principle by practitioners of legal professions. This negatively affects the level of their effectiveness, increases the external influence and the possibility of pressure.

The main problems in the process of implementing general legal principles are the following: the lack of legislative consolidation of certain principles of law, divergences in the definition of one and the same principle of law, in particular, the independence principle, in various normative legal acts, the contradictory nature of scientific positions regarding the concept and content of this principle of law , insufficient level of legal culture, skills and abilities, with which the legal practitioner can make logical conclusions regarding the separation and application of general principles of law, especially in the case of a gap in the right.

Consequently, it is considered necessary to achieve scientific consensus on the concept and content of the principles of law. The achievement of such a consensus should take place on the basis of the involvement of a wide range of representatives of science and the practical legal profession

Author Biography

Nataliia Perepelytsia, National Academy of Internal Affairs Solomianska sq., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03035

Department of Theory of State and Law


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How to Cite

Perepelytsia, N. (2018). Implementation of the independence principle in the implementation of certain types of legal activities. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (4 (6), 20–24.



Juridical Science