Modern approaches to understanding the nature of action of oath
oath, oath act, essence of oath action, duty, swear, promise, aspectsAbstract
Different science article that are devoted to the issue of oath are analyzed by the author. According to them, in the article are highlighted modern approaches to understanding the concept of oath and its relation with such legal categories as swear, duty, official duty, internal imperative and vow. With the help of comparison method, it has been found that, unlike the above concepts, the oath does not have a religious attribute, so the concept of such notions can’t be the same.
According to the analyzed science literature an interpretation on the two-aspect of the existence of the oath is made – doctrinal and normative. In accordance with the doctrinal aspect of the oath is considered as text, the administrative action, action of demonstration of internal convictions, moral authority and the deontological basis of professional activity. In the normative aspect, the oath is considered from the point of view of internal textual content, taking into account the common and different features of the content of the oath of representatives by various public state professions. It is installed that differences in oath are caused by the professional sphere of activity of the person, a common aspects is performing certain duties and comply with applicable law.
Also the part of the article is devoted for the medical oath, especially for its comparison of the “Hippocratic Oath” and modern oath for the doctors of Ukraine.
With the help of the classification method, an author's vision of the type of oath by the criterion of the sphere of professional activity is offered. In particular, it is proposed to establish the following types of oaths: political, judicial, legal and medical
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