Legislative definitions of security: general and theoretical aspects





law definitions, legal definitions, types of legal definitions legislative definition of «security»


The article deals with the general theoretical characteristics of legislative safety definitions in the context of the allocation of their general and special features. Common features are inherent in all definitions, legal definitions and legislative security definitions in particular. Special features distinguish them from other legislative definitions and are constructed, mainly, in a classical manner by generic type principle.

The general features of the legislative definitions of safety include: legal nature, intellectual orientation, connection with other normative-legal requirements, allocation and formulation of features of the phenomenon, scientific validity, mediated form of their implementation, etc. Special features are divided into generic (state, measure, lack, characteristic, property, protection, ability, boundary, process, activity, compliance) and specific (any risk, unacceptable risk, marginal risk, threats, civil aviation, air transport, radiation exposure, norms, rules, standards, interests of man and citizen, society and state, information, state sovereignty, territorial integrity, democratic constitutional order, drugs, radiation-nuclear facilities and the environment, influence on employees, staff).

It is indicated in the expediency of formulating one or another legislative definition of security, which consists in the need to find out in what meaning the term of safety in the normative legal document is used: commonly used; special – inherent in a certain field of special knowledge; specifically legal. The requirements for legislative safety definitions are defined, in particular they must: contain the main (general and distinctive) features of phenomena or processes being formulated; be reasonable and expedient, aimed at achieving the goals envisaged by law, adequate for both social reality and for the requirements of legislative technique aimed at satisfying the needs of legal practice

Author Biography

Denys Tykhomyrov, National Academy of Internal Affairs Solomyanska sq., 1, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03035



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How to Cite

Tykhomyrov, D. (2018). Legislative definitions of security: general and theoretical aspects. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (4 (6), 29–33. https://doi.org/10.15587/2523-4153.2018.153485



Juridical Science