Legal bases status quo children who were unafficiently carried out of Ukraine




rights of a child, illegal export of a child, principle of ensuring the best interests of a child, mechanism for the return of children


The article is devoted to analysis of international law and norms of the operating civil legislation of Ukraine, which regulates the order of removal of a child from the country of permanent residence. The content of the principle of the best interests of a child identified a number of issues, which in practice can lead to the adoption of unreasonable decisions to return a child from abroad.

Separately stated that the child should grow up in conditions of care and responsible parenting in an atmosphere of love, moral and material security; juvenile children, except when there are exceptional circumstances, should not part with their parents.

The article analyzes the issues that arise, when the court is considering the cases of "the return of the children", when some courts mistakenly determine the jurisdiction of the following categories of cases, not paying attention to the fact that the court may consider the case both at the location of the defendant and the child, and at the location of the Ministry or its territorial bodies (alternative jurisdiction).

The attention is paid to the fact that an important issue in the consideration of this category of cases about the return of a child is too long, in accordance with international law. These things are subject to quick consideration, in practice, there is a violation of the reasonable time of proceedings.

Ukraine became party to the Convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction, has made a commitment to take all necessary measures to join the international cooperation mechanism that allows to solve questions of the organization in an orderly and rapid return of illegally removed or retained children, who have suffered from the consequences of wrongful conduct of one of parents or other family members, actions, which violated the rights of parents regarding child care, because the immediate return of the child allows to protect his\her rights and to prevent the infliction of moral harm and suffering

Author Biographies

Olena Dashkovska, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University Pushkinska str., 77, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61024

Doctor of Law, Professor

Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law

Olha Yavor, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University Pushkinska str., 77, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61024

Doctor of Law, Professor

Department of Civil Law No. 2


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How to Cite

Dashkovska, O., & Yavor, O. (2020). Legal bases status quo children who were unafficiently carried out of Ukraine. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (1 (11), 4–10.



Juridical Science