Legal regulation of attorney’s recommendations during replacements




lawyer, ethical principles, advocacy, lawyer’s cooperation, replacement attorney


The author traced the interaction and conflicts of law and morality in a situation, when the original attorney has decided that he or she are no longer willing to carry out this role. The issue is relevant due to the expansion of the legal market and the increase in the number of lawyers in Ukraine in recent years. The work summarizes new research philosophical and legal aspects of the attorney’s recommendations in the course of replacements in the middle of a representation. There is an ethical obligation for lawyers to competently represent their clients in all life circumstances and it is not uncommon for lawyers to think differently about the case. Particular attention is paid to the circumstances, where the replacement of an attorney may need to step in. The circumstances of substitution of lawyers are analyzed and the principles of lawyer ethics, the main works of scientists dealing with the ethics of advocacy are studied. Also, the definitions of the concept of "original attorney" are given.

The main conclusion of the study was that the relationship between attorney’s during replacements is necessary to regulate and those, who have approached a lawyer, can look for advice on lawyers, who could replace them in the event of a threat of force majeure. In the author opinion, interaction between lawyers is an organic part of the relationship with the client and this issue requires careful consideration of the legal profession to capture the benefits for access to justice in case of switch attorneys halfway of a representation. The article will be helpful in solving the issues, arising from attorney’s replacement in in the practice of law

Author Biography

Oksana Cherniak, Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine Tarasa Shevchenka blvd., 27, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01032

Postgraduate Student

Department of Advocacy and Advocacy Skills


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How to Cite

Cherniak, O. (2020). Legal regulation of attorney’s recommendations during replacements. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (3 (13), 39–43.



Juridical Science