The concept of criminal legal protection of judicial proceedings and execution of court decisions
riminal liability, justice, crime, misdemeanor, concept, court decision, systematization, the rule of law, legal certainty, differentiation of criminal liabilityAbstract
The article formulates the general provisions that make up the concept of criminal-legal protection of public relations, proposed by the author regarding the implementation of judicial proceedings and the execution of court decisions in the new Criminal Code of Ukraine. In particular, the general approaches, principles, directions concerning construction, development of the criminal law norms are defined; based on this, some common approaches have been proposed for the formulation of the characteristics of certain components of criminal offenses against justice, to the differentiation of criminal liability for criminal offenses against justice. Among the main directions of development, improvement of relevant criminal law norms, based on the directions of criminal law policy development in Ukraine, are ensuring compliance of these norms with the rule of law (including its aspect as legal certainty), ensuring compliance with international legal acts, Ukraine joined the case law of the European Court of Human Rights (hereinafter - the ECtHR).
The author has been proposed a model of systematization of the rules, which establishes liability for encroachment on public relations with a common generic object which is public relations for the judicial proceedings and execution of the court decisions in the Special Part of the Criminal Code. Within the proposed sections of the Special Part of the Criminal Code, the Code of Criminal Offenses, which are proposed to be called «Crimes against the established order of judicial proceedings and execution of court decisions», «Criminal offenses against the established order of judicial proceedings and execution of court decisions», has been proposed to allocate separate chapters, separate groups of criminal offenses, based on the commonality of their specific object; proposed common approaches to the formulation of the characteristics of the relevant components of criminal offenses, the differentiation of criminal liability for them.
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