Preventive activity with children registered with the police




children, preventive accounting, preventive work, levels of prevention, juvenile prevention, risk factors


The article analyzes the problematic issues of preventive work with children in conflict with the law, who are registered with the police, and conducts a scientific search for possible solutions. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, it was established, that the organizational and legal support of preventive activities of juvenile police officers with children who are registered with the police needs to be improved. A systematic approach to the study of regulatory and legal support of preventive activities of juvenile police allowed to identify its main stages and taking into account the personal experience of the authors in the field of juvenile prevention to analyze the organizational and legal aspects of each. As a result of the research, the challenges, faced by juvenile police officers during preventive work with children who are registered with the police, were identified, and the legal and organizational directions for overcoming them were proposed. The legal direction includes: review of the grounds for preventive registration of a child, including in cases of release of the child from liability due to insignificance, non-attainment of the age of administrative responsibility by the child, the use of courts in accordance with Art. 24-1 UCaO measures of educational influence; introduction of a form of risk assessment of recidivism by a child, registered with the police; establishing responsibility for non-compliance with the conditions of preventive registration; providing for the obligation to agree on preventive measures in the event that a child is simultaneously registered with the police, children's services and/or probation authorities; determination of the grounds and procedure for extending the term of a child's stay on preventive registration. The organizational direction provides for: the need to develop guidelines for juvenile police officers on the specifics of drawing up a plan of individual work and taking measures of individual prevention based on the results of risk assessment of offenses; development of training programs and training of juvenile police officers to conduct individual prevention activities to work with children who are registered with the police; creation of child-friendly places in police departments for individual prevention measures. The importance of changing the paradigm of perception of preventive accounting of the police from punitive to prophylactic tools, aimed at eliminating the causes and conditions of children's offenses, is emphasized

Author Biographies

Vitalii Kapuliak, Department of the Main Inspection of MDNP in Odesa Region

Head of Department

Olena Kovalova, Odesa State University of Internal Affairs

PhD, Senior Researcher

Department of Administrative Police Activity


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How to Cite

Kapuliak, V., & Kovalova, O. (2022). Preventive activity with children registered with the police. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (2(20), 43–59.



Juridical Science