Military novels of labour legislation through the prism of judicial practice
right to labour, labour relations, martial law, judicial practice, labour legislation, prospects for the development of labour lawAbstract
An analysis of the peculiarities of labour relations legal regulation under martial law is presented. There were considered and analysed certain aspects of the newly adopted laws on the organization and optimization of labour relations under the conditions of the special regime, the latest changes to the Labour Code of Ukraine and other laws in the field of labour that regulate issues of remuneration, suspension, termination of labour relations in realities of war. The practical implementation through the prism of judicial practice of both innovations in labour legislation and individual problematic issues that arise during the settlement of labour conflicts (disputes) is proven. In connection with the understanding that in the future the number of categories of cases, related to the resolution of labour conflicts (disputes) that arose after February 24, 2022, will only increase, judges should consider that a formal reference to the martial law is not sufficient cause of the reasonableness of the non-fulfilment of obligations, assigned to the parties of a labour contract, moreover, when assessing the factual circumstances of the case, it is necessary to take into account the geographic position of the region where the labour activity is performed. The author has analysed the activity of highest bodies of state authority, which is accompanied by the introduction of a number of programs, aimed at supporting the national economy, business and stimulating the growth of employment among the population in extremely difficult conditions. The further tendency of prospects for the development of labour legislation in modern conditions is clarified. The author emphasizes the importance of continuing the economic development of Ukraine, because the greater number of successes on the economic front, the more opportunities will appear to improve defence capabilities on the military front, which in turn will be an important step for our joint victory, in which the participation of each of us is extremely important
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