Trends and prospects for improving legal regulation of supervision and control of compliance with labor law
labor law, supervision, control, decent work, labor inspection, international standardsAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study trends in the development of labor law in general and the supervision and control of compliance with labor law, in particular, in order to outline the directions for improving the legal regulation of the named institute. To achieve this goal, we have defined the following tasks: to reveal the essence of the institutionalization at the international level of the concept of decent work and prospects for enshrining the right to decent work in national labor law; to find out the state of implementation of international and European standards in the field of supervision and control over compliance with labor law into national legislation; to characterize the peculiarities of the implementation of supervision and control measures in conditions of martial law; to formulate proposals for improvement legal regulation of supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation. During the research, both general (dialectical) and general scientific (analysis and synthesis), as well as special legal research methods (hermeneutic, prognostic), which are based on the requirement of a comprehensive analysis of political and legal phenomena, were used. Their totality made it possible to determine that the improvement of legal regulation of supervision and control in Ukraine is taking place in the direction of consistent approximation of the national legal framework for ensuring safe, healthy and dignified work to international and European standards. This is especially important due to the fact that the development of the labor market will be one of the urgent needs of post-war reconstruction, and the main condition for the return of refugees to Ukraine and the reduction of external labor migration may be the provision of decent working conditions. In the draft of the new Labor Code of Ukraine, one of the main principles of regulating labor relations should be enshrined "ensuring the employee's right to decent working conditions". A promising direction for determining at the legislative level the legal status for labor inspectors and the procedure for conducting inspection visits is the development of the draft Law "On Labor Inspection", which will make it possible to implement the requirements of ILO Conventions No. 81 and No. 129, avoid the regulation of supervision and control measures in the field of labor by various legal regulations acts of equal legal force to implement the principle of legal certainty
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