Organizational and legal provision for supervision and control over compliance with labor law in Ukraine: international standards and national practice
labor law, supervision, control, international standards, labor inspection, integrated labor inspection system (ILIS)Abstract
The purpose of the article is to study the state and trends in the development of organizational and legal support for supervision and control of compliance with labor law in Ukraine through the prism of international standards. To achieve the goal there are defined the following tasks: to reveal the content and meaning of the concept for the integrated system of labor inspection; characterize the impact of international standards on the organizational and legal provision of supervision and control over compliance with labor law in Ukraine; determine the trends in the development of organizational and legal support for supervision and control in the field of labor. There were used general philosophical method of dialectics, systemic and structural-functional general scientific methods, hermeneutic, formal-legal and prognostic special-legal methods during the research. Their combination made it possible to investigate the content and purpose of the integrated approach to labor inspection, initiated and supported by the International Labor Organization. Such an approach covers occupational safety and hygiene, labor relations, working conditions, and provides for the formation of a complete system of labor inspection with the integration of its administrative, procedural and technical elements through simultaneous implementation of measures at the international, national (state), industry (sectoral) and production (local, operational) levels to increase the effectiveness of labor rights protection. The trends of the organizational and legal provision for supervision and control over compliance with the labor law in Ukraine were analyzed from the point of view of the analysis for the legal instruments of the mentioned levels. Firstly, functional integration/concentration of functions in a single state labor inspection service. Secondly, coordination and consolidation of the efforts of the State Labor Service, state bodies that have joint tasks with the labor inspectorate, local self-government bodies, and social partners. Thirdly, modernization of the national system of managing the safety of workers at work based on the principles of proactivity, prevention of industrial risks, and strengthening the role of the employer's internal control in ensuring proper, safe, and dignified working conditions. Fourthly, there is a tendency to expand the practice of combining surveillance (control) measures with preventive, informational, advisory, and analytical efforts
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