Legal nature of freedom of will: fundamental ideas and definition




freedom of will, principles of law, autonomy of will, hilosophy of law, civil law, legal nature, law functions, system of law, freedom of will in law, legal idea


The study aims to determine the legal nature of freedom of will, its definition and its place in the legal system as an idea, principle and norm. Research methods were chosen to consider the set goal and tasks: general and unique scientific methods of scientific knowledge of legal phenomena. In particular, the following research methods were applied: comparative-legal, formal-logical, systemic-structural, dialectical and others. These methods were used in their interdependence. The methodology contains information on philosophical aspects, methodological foundations of scientific knowledge, study of the structure and main stages of research. The paper examines the combination of two definitions, freedom and will, taking into account the legal specificity. The study proves that freedom in law is the possibility of behaviour not prohibited by law and the absence of coercion, except in cases, provided for by law. Will, in law, is the ability to control one's actions and manifestation from the outside, conscious regulation of one's behaviour, which is not limited to the legally defined possibility of behaviour. It is noted, that freedom has a passive character as the possibility of specific behaviour, and will is the active use of one's rights and opportunities. Will is the active use of freedom. The author emphasizes that although free will has a transcendent basis, it is inherent in law, confirmed by its global manifestation in legal science and practice. It is emphasized, that free will is a multi-layered, complex legal concept with a fundamental meaning. The position on the possibility of understanding freedom of will as a legal idea, an idea-principle, an idea-institute and an idea-norm that are not directly enshrined in normative legal acts, but reflected through the content of other legal institutions, principles and norms based on it, is substantiated. It is proved, that in the broadest sense, freedom of will in law is a legal idea, and the author's definition is proposed

Author Biography

Viktor Savchenko, University of Oxford; V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD, Associate Professor, Research Fellow

Oxford Uehiro Center for Practical Ethics

PhD, Associate Professor, Research Fellow

Oxford Uehiro Center for Practical Ethics


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How to Cite

Savchenko, V. (2023). Legal nature of freedom of will: fundamental ideas and definition. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (3(25), 4–10.



Juridical Science