Effective means of legal regulation of foreign trade





value added, factor income, market value, BEPS plan, income, profit


The article proposes means of state-legal regulation of foreign trade, in particular legal, economic (in particular tax), political, financial and administrative instruments. The main shortcomings of the legislation are analyzed, which make it possible to effectively optimize taxation, carry out illegal export of capital and demand compensation from the budget. In order to avoid erosion of the tax base and profit shifting, a single object of taxation is proposed – value added, which is determined by the sum of factor incomes of the payers: wages fund and profit. Substantiated formation principle of the fair market value (price), which is equal to the sum of added value, VAT, charged on it, depreciation of means of production and costs, determined by the fair market value of goods/services, used in production. The established correspondence between the fair market price and the added value allows you to accurately determine the size of the tax base (VAT, personal income tax, profit tax and social contributions) and excludes any known methods of tax optimization. The amount of taxes paid determines the monetary equivalent of the added value and the increase in the sales price at each stage of production and distribution, which excludes the possibility of artificially reducing the tax base and/or transferring profits to jurisdictions with low taxes. The introduction of added value and its components as a single base of basic taxes and fees excludes weak capitalization and any other deductions from the tax base. The proposed definition of a single tax base significantly simplifies the administration of basic taxes and contributions and exhausts measures for the implementation of paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of the BEPS plan.

Author Biography

Serhii Pyroha, Augustin Voloshin Carpathian University

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Canon Law


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How to Cite

Pyroha, S. (2023). Effective means of legal regulation of foreign trade. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (3(25), 64–71. https://doi.org/10.15587/2523-4153.2023.286749



Juridical Science