Parliamentary diplomacy in the European and Asian regions: international legal framework and comparative analysis




parliamentarism, parliamentary diplomacy, international treaties, parliamentary assemblies, interparliamentary activity, Europe, Asia


The article is dedicated to the study of the peculiarities of parliamentary diplomacy in the European and Asian regions. It is clear that it is important for the theoretical, constitutional, legal and international legal studies to pay attention to the essential characteristics of this phenomenon, the current parliamentary diplomacy with the participation of the European powers, their parliaments, as opposite of the Institute of Parliamentary Diplomacy in Asia and other regions. This form of international cooperation in the sphere of parliamentarism is based on an international treaty basis (Statute for the sake of Europe, Statute of the PS OIC) and internal organizational acts (Rules of Procedure of the PA OSCE) etc. Institutional mechanisms for the implementation of parliamentary diplomacy include in Europe - PACE, PA OSCE, PABSEC, PA GUAM, Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, independent parliamentary organizations (Interparliamentary Union) etc.; in Asia – APA, Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development, Association of Regional Health Sciences of New Asia, Along with mutual relations and changes in trust in Asia, PS OIC, Turkic Rada, Shanghai Organization of Social Development and etc.

Ukraine, in particular parliamentary delegations, takes an active part in parliamentary diplomacy in the European region, especially in connection with the large-scale invasions of the russian federation and the need for international support. At the same time, there is an obvious need for coordination and interaction between the various parliamentary assemblies and parliamentary unions of different regions of the world, in the context of globalization and integration, the value of democracy, international security and law and order

Author Biographies

Nataliia Kaminska, National Aviation University

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor

Department of International Law and Comparative Jurisprudence

Artem Kovalov, Prikhodko and Partners Law Company

PhD, Head of Criminal Law Practice


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How to Cite

Kaminska, N., & Kovalov, A. (2024). Parliamentary diplomacy in the European and Asian regions: international legal framework and comparative analysis. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (2 (28), 55–60.



Juridical Science