The formation and development of concepts of access to court: a historical and legal context




access to court, justice, right to appeal to court, judicial decision, judicial proceedings


The article is dedicated to the study of the elements of the formation and development of the judicial branch of power in specific historical periods in the context of outlining the principle of access to justice, particularly from the establishment of early states to modern times. In light of this, the article draws attention to the manifestations and signs of ensuring citizens' right of access to court from the perspective of studying the general historical progress of the judiciary. The analysis allowed the author to identify four main stages in the formation of the principle of access to justice in the world history of state and law: ancient, new, modern, and globalization. At the same time, the author emphasizes the different degrees of development and characteristic features of specific historical stages of the evolution of access to court and justice. It is established that already at the stage of formation and development of the ancient type of state and law (both Eastern and Western typologies), the formation of territoriality as one of the key components of the principle of access to justice began. Initially, judicial functions within the competence of the bodies and officials of the ancient states were combined with administrative and executive functions. The period of modern times is associated with the formulation of the political and legal idea of the separation of powers with the identification of an independent judiciary and the concept of due process, which is based on the modern notion of the ideal model of the organization and functioning of the judiciary in a democratic society. The rapid development and evolution of access to justice occurred in the modern stage, including the Florentine project of M. Cappelletti's "access to justice movement," which included a set of measures, aimed at ensuring real access to justice. The article concludes that the modern concept of access to court and justice involves its comprehension through empirical and pluralistic (multifaceted) approaches, taking into account not only obstacles and barriers to access to court and justice but also analytical data on the real state of affairs in the field of justice, considering various aspects of access to justice in the modern world

Author Biography

Olha Balatska, The National University of Ostroh Academy

PhD, Associate Professor, Director

Educational and Scientific Institute of Law by I. Malynovskyi


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How to Cite

Balatska, O. (2024). The formation and development of concepts of access to court: a historical and legal context. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (3(29), 4–12.



Juridical Science