Legal regulation of vacations of medical workers in Ukraine according to labor legislation




medical worker, rest time, additional vacation, labor legislation, annual basic and additional vacations, social vacations, healthcare institution, work experience, working hours, salary, collective agreement


The relevance of this scientific research lies in clarifying the nature and features of the legal regulation of vacations for medical workers in Ukraine. The purpose of this study is to determine the specifics of the legal regulation of the types of vacations that may be granted to medical workers. The methodological basis of the study was general scientific and special legal methods of knowledge, in particular theoretical, formal, dogmatic, and comparative legal methods.

The results of the study are that the rest time of a medical worker is proposed to be understood as a period of release from professional duties for the restoration of work capacity and professional development. Several features of the legal regulation of medical workers’ vacations have been identified.

Please note that additional vacation may be assigned to medical workers of various specialties along with the main vacation. Additional vacations lasting 7 to 25 days are granted to medical workers of certain specialties who work in certain healthcare institutions due to harmful or special working conditions. Additional vacations are established for such medical workers as psychiatrists, pathologists, resuscitators, anesthesiologists, obstetricians, epidemiologists, doctors of medical and social expert commissions, bureaus of forensic medical examinations, and health care institutions for the fight against AIDS. It is emphasized that specific categories of medical workers have the right to additional vacation in connection with the experience of continuous work in rural areas or at another place of work. Also, medical workers have the right to use all types of additional social vacations, established for all categories of workers in Ukraine.

The study concludes that a special Ukrainian law "On the Status of Medical Workers" would improve the legal regulation of medical workers’ labor relations. Taking into account the provisions of the current legislation, an author’s definition of the term "medical worker" has been formulated

Author Biographies

Vladyslav Teremetskyi, Academician F. H. Burchak Scientific Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship of the NALS of Ukraine

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, leading researcher

Department of International Private Law

Lesya Rusnak, Private Higher Educational Institution «Bukovinian University»

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Professional and Special Legal Disciplines


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How to Cite

Teremetskyi, V., & Rusnak, L. (2024). Legal regulation of vacations of medical workers in Ukraine according to labor legislation. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (2 (28), 35–41.



Juridical Science