Legal subjectity in private law: categorical-conceptual cognition in the context of general theory of law


  • Volodymyr Sichevliuk Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Trokhsviatytelska str., 4, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601, Ukraine



category «legal subjectity», private law, private legal subjectity phenomenon, notion «private legal subjectity»


The features of private legal subjectity and all other private-law phenomena correspond with the peculiarities of objects and methods of branches of private law and, at the same time, with the system of principles inherent in the whole sphere of private law.

By volume and content private legal subjectity is "universal" for individuals but "special" for legal entities with minimum acceptable restrictions. The format of  "exclusive legal subjectity" is produced outside of private law and peculiar to the subjectity of public origin.

Elements of private legal subjectity, marked with notions "legal capacity", “delictual capacity and "active capacity", are endowed with a dispositive mode of implementation and acquire some special content, which causes a corresponding change in their structural and functional relationship. In particular:

– in the structure of private legal subjectity dominates the "legal capacity", whose implementation is provided by the "active capacity" of subjects of private law. At the same time, the legal capacity of a legal entity, unlike the legal capacity of natural person, should not be lost under any circumstances, and that is why its presence is guaranteed by the legislation and practice of law enforcement;

– in the structure of delictual capacity of private law subject its passive side is accentuated, which is aimed mainly at compensation of damage at the expense of the offender's resources. The active side of delictual capacity of private law subject usually is weakened and is not compulsory in execution, since it, as well as private legal subjectity in general, is implemented in a dispositive format and often is being under an influence of a positive subjectivity of the participants of the relevant legal relations.

However, the loss of a special subjective connection that previously took place between the parties to private law relation can powerfully strengthen the active side of private law delictual capacity.

The notion of  "private legal subjectity" denotes the kind of legal subjectity, given by an objective law to subjects who, within the limits of the current legal order, realize and protect their private interests, namely:

1) to natural persons;

2) to legal entities;

3) to associations of above persons, endowed partial legal subjectity to preserve and develop their own identity

Author Biography

Volodymyr Sichevliuk, Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Trokhsviatytelska str., 4, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Theory of State and Law


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How to Cite

Sichevliuk, V. (2018). Legal subjectity in private law: categorical-conceptual cognition in the context of general theory of law. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (3 (5), 22–29.



Juridical Science