Reorganization of economic organizations as a legal institute of economic law
reorganization, legal institute of Economic Law, economic organization, limited liability company, joint-stock company, economic legal relations, organizational and economic legal relations, balance of dispositive and imperative principlesAbstract
The state of the process of formation of such a legal creating as “the right to reorganize economic organizations” occurs through the gradual accumulation, unification, specialization and structuring of the necessary array of regulatory rules and procedures in this area and affects the determination of the place of this legal phenomenon in the system of national law.
It is established, that (1) reorganization legal relations are public relations, regulated by the norms of law that arise in the field of economic management in relation to the organization (including managing the activities) and the continuous implementation of economic activities; characterized by a special subject composition (economic organizations), a combination of organizational and property elements; reflection of private and public interests (its balancing), a significant degree of regulation, both by the state and by the subjects of these relations; (2) reorganization legal relations belong to economic legal relations by branch affiliation and constitute a kind of organizational and economic legal relations by nature.
It is substantiated, that by branch affiliation (identification), on the basis of clarification of the economic and legal nature of reorganization relations and compliance of the legal instruments (method) of Economic Law, the reorganization of economic organizations is an institute of Economic Law, such a legal creating that unites an interconnected set of economic and legal norms that are intended to regulate relations that develop in the field of termination and incorporation of economic organizations by reorganization in forms: merger, accession, division, spin-off, transformation.
It is determined, that in a structured form the economic and legal institute “reorganization of economic organizations” consists of interrelated and at the same time separate groups of economic and legal norms that are intended to regulate economic relations in the field of: 1) termination and incorporation of an economic organization through reorganization in appropriate forms (merger, accession, division, spin-off, transformation); 2) transfer of property rights and obligations from the legal predecessor (predecessors) to the legal successor (successors) on the basis of universal legal succession; 3) protection of the legitimate rights and interests of participants (shareholders), creditors, the state during the reorganization; 4) procedure for issuing and registering the issue of shares of joint-stock companies, which are incorporated by merger, division, spin-off, transformation, or to which accession is carried out; 5) state registration of termination and incorporation of an economic organization (economic organizations) by merger, division, transformation, or state registration of termination of an economic organization by accession and modification of constitutional documents, or state registration of incorporation of an economic organization by spin-off and modification of constitutional documents; 6) invalidating the reorganization procedure (nullity of the reorganization procedure). In addition, within these groups there is a further differentiation of norms depending on the forms of reorganization (merger, accession, division, spin-off, transformation) and the subject composition of reorganization relations
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