Place and application of the new Law "On Administrative Procedure" in the regulation of public e-services




Public administration, administrative procedure, digital transformation, public services, decisions in automatic mode, public e-services


The article is dedicated to the analysis of the place and application of the new Law "On Administrative Procedure" in regulating public electronic services in Ukraine. Enacted on December 15, 2023, the Law aims to establish a system of unified, understandable, and transparent interaction between public authorities and citizens and businesses. The article examines the main provisions of the Law, focusing on the principles of administrative procedure and norms regulating the resolution of administrative matters using electronic digital technologies. Based on the analysis of legislation texts, comparative analysis, and consideration of practical aspects of the new law's implementation, the conclusion is drawn regarding the importance of applying its norms to the sphere of public services, including those provided through digital technologies. It is found that the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure" sets general standards for administrative procedure ensuring the observance of rights of individuals and legal entities in relations with administrative authorities, regardless of whether such interaction occurs through physical or electronic channels. Special legislation may define the specifics of providing certain types of public services, but the general standards of the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure" must be adhered to. The article also highlights the main directions for further research and possible directions for further development of legislation in this area. The application of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Procedure" allows not just to copy the logic of the paper world into digital services, but to develop innovative approaches. This means that the right to participate in the administrative process can be implemented through online offices, the possibility to submit documents in electronic format, support for communication through digital channels and the creation of additional functions that complement the main service

Author Biography

Natalia Khliborob, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Administrative and Financial Law


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How to Cite

Khliborob, N. (2024). Place and application of the new Law "On Administrative Procedure" in the regulation of public e-services. ScienceRise: Juridical Science, (1(27), 15–21.



Juridical Science