A personalized approach to the prevention of smoking in adolescents


  • Svetlana Ilchenko State Establishment «Dnipropetrovsk medical academi of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine» Vernadskoho str., 9, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49044, Ukraine
  • Anastasiia Fialkovskaia State Establishment «Dnipropetrovsk medical academi of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine» Vernadskoho str., 9, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49044, Ukraine




the status of smoking, adolescents, motivation to quit smoking, personalized antismoking programmes


The aim of the work is to develop and introduce personalized antismoking programmes for adolescents in practice, on the basis of own studies on the prevalence and status of smoking.

Methods of research: Anonymous survey of 2299 adolescents. The age of the beginning of smoking, the length of smoking, the number of smoked cigarettes per day was estimated. The status of tobacco smoking was studied, which included: the calculation of the smoker's index (IR) and the "pack / years" indicator, the assessment of the degree of nicotine dependence, the assessment of smoking motivation and motivation to quit smoking.

Results. The prevalence of tobacco smoking in the city of Dnipro is 20,8 %. The negative tendencies in the status of tobacco smoking are revealed – 26,3 % of smokers have an IR above 140, almost 25,0 % of adolescent smokers have formed a high and very high nicotine dependence. At the same time, 48,0 % of adolescents have a low motivation to quit smoking and one-third (31,7 %) do not have motivation to quit smoking at all.

Conclusions. Modern antismoking programs for adolescents should be aimed, first of all, at reducing the intensity of smoking and increasing the incentive to quit smoking, promoting healthy lifestyles, and conducting a careful dispensary review of smokers in order to identify risk groups for the development of COPD in the future. Using a personalized approach to the prevention of smoking in adolescents will increase its efficiency and preserve the health of the younger generation

Author Biographies

Svetlana Ilchenko, State Establishment «Dnipropetrovsk medical academi of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine» Vernadskoho str., 9, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49044

MD, Professor

Department of Propedeutics of Pediatric Diseases

Anastasiia Fialkovskaia, State Establishment «Dnipropetrovsk medical academi of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine» Vernadskoho str., 9, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49044


Department of Propedeutics of Pediatric Diseases


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How to Cite

Ilchenko, S., & Fialkovskaia, A. (2018). A personalized approach to the prevention of smoking in adolescents. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (1 (21), 35–38. https://doi.org/10.15587/2519-4798.2018.121691



Medical Science