Dynamics of psychopathological disorders and level of social functionality in patients with schizophrenia under complex treatment
art therapy, patients with schizophrenia, social functioning. positive, negative, general psychopathological syndromes, coping strategiesAbstract
Aim of the research: Assessment of the effectiveness of art therapy in the system of therapy and rehabilitation of patients with schizophrenia.
Objects and methods: During the study, a comprehensive clinical-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic study of 125 patients, both sexes, at the age of 20-45 years (average age 35.0±2.0 years) with diagnosed schizophrenia in the stabilization of the condition was performed. The main group (who took part in art therapy) was 95 people (54 women and 41 men). The control group included 30 patients (16 women and 14 men) who received standard regulated therapy in the hospital.
Results. In the course of the study, the system of art therapy in the complex therapy of patients with schizophrenia was proposed and their effectiveness was proved.
Under the influence of art therapy in the complex treatment of schizophrenia, rapid reduction of psychopathological symptoms, normalization of the emotional state, stabilization of patients' behavior, improvement of cognitive parameters, increase of psychophysical activity of patients is noted, which is confirmed by data of dynamic analysis of clinical and psychopathological violations on PANSS scale.
There is a pronounced positive dynamics of the level of social functioning in patients with schizophrenia, which included in the traditional complex of treatment and rehabilitation measures art therapy on the scale of general behavioral dysfunction, dysfunction when performing social roles in society; functioning of patients in the hospital and dysfunctional modifying factors.
Conclusions. Under the influence of art therapy in the complex treatment of schizophrenia, a rapid reduction in psychopathological symptoms, an increase in the duration and quality of remission is observed, which is confirmed by the data of the dynamic analysis of clinical and psychopathological disorders on the PANSS scale.
Against the background of art therapy in 82.2 % of patients with schizophrenia was achieved a stable therapeutic effect, 11.1 % - the state remained without dynamics, and 6.7 % - there was a relapse of the disease. In patients with schizophrenia, optimization of the coping strategy of problem-solving behavior with the predominance of coping-oriented problem solving is noted.
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