The possibilities of ultrasound examination of vascular tone of the abdominal aorta in laboratory animals
laboratory animals, abdominal aorta, ultrasound examination, norm of hemodynamic parametersAbstract
The aim of the work was to elaborate the method of ultrasound examination and to assess the ultrasound standards of anatomic structures and hemodynamic parameters of abdominal aorta of rats, 4 month old.
Methods. The study was carried out on the twelve 120-day laboratory male-rats of Wistar line with mass 180–200 g. Using ultrasound examination in B-regime the intraluminal diameter of vessel, the width of intima complex – media, endothelium dependent and endothelium independent dilatation were assessed. The study of quantitative characteristics of the blood flow: peak systolic speed of blood flow, final diastolic speed of blood flow, resistance index and systolodyastolic ratio was carried out in the regime of pulsed-wave dopplerography (PW-regime). The heartbeat frequency was assessed using cardiac module.
Results. It was proved, that the assessment of four quantitative dopplerographic parameters: peak systolic speed of blood flow, final diastolic speed of blood flow, resistance index and systolodyastolic ratio can most fully represent the hemodynamic changes in abdominal aorta at different states, including pathological ones. The received data can be used as basic ones for setting experiment in assessment of hemodynamic changes with a possibility of extrapolation on human teen age.
Conclusion. The ultrasound technologies are used in experiments with laboratory animals rather seldom but they have the series of undoubted advantages. The one of them is noninvasiveness and possibility of repeated use in the process of experiment that allows carry out the dynamic control over formation of pathological state. It is possible to assess the qualitative and quantitative hemodynamic characteristics in the real time scale. At the same time the method of ultrasound examination is rather cheap, doesn’t need the special room, the portative equipment can be used in the conditions of laboratory or vivarium
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