The analisis of factors, associated with office and home blood pressure control in patients who received algorithmic antihypertensive therapy




arterial hypertension, arterial pressure, home arterial pressure, antihypertensive treatment, inclination to treatment


Aim. To define factors, associated with attaining control of the office and home AP and with the number of necessary medicaments in patients with non-complicated AH after 6 month of algorithmic antihypertensive therapy

Materials and methods. 501 patients with AH received therapy according to the algorithm that provided successive prescription of fixed combination of perindopril, ampodipine and if necessary, indapamide-retard, spironolactone, moxonidine or doxazosin for attaining the target office AP. The office and home AP was assessed by certificated oscillometric devices. For determination of factors, independently associated with attaining the target level of office and recommended level of home AP after 6 months of therapy the multiple linear regressive analysis was used

Results. After 6 months the office SAP and DAP decreased from 165,7±13,9 to 131,0±9,5 and from 96,9±9,7 to 79,3±7,1mm of m.c., home – from 148,8±15,7 to 129,4±8,3 and from 87,8±10,0 to 77,9±7,2 mm of m.c. After 6 months the target office AP was attained by 80,1 %, recommended home – by 65,8 % of patients. After 7 days indapamide-retard was added to the therapy in 24 % of patients. At the end of research 165 (37,2 %) patients were treated by three or more preparations. The high inclination to treatment was detected in 49, moderate – in 43,6, low – in 7,4 % of patients

Conclusions. The attainment of target office AP in patients with hypertension in 6 month of treatment was independently associated with female sex, age, initial level of office SAP, absence of the need in 3 preparations after 7 days of treatment, high compliance. The need of prescription of three and more preparations for AP control after 6 month was associated with low compliance, probable resistant AH before inclusion in the research, home SAP after 7 days and uncontrolled AH after 1 month of treatment

Author Biography

Юлія Володимирівна Руденко, Bogomolets National Medical University T. Shevchenko blvd., 13/7, Kyiv, Ukraine, 01601

PhD, associate professor

Department of Internal Medicine № 2


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How to Cite

Руденко, Ю. В. (2016). The analisis of factors, associated with office and home blood pressure control in patients who received algorithmic antihypertensive therapy. ScienceRise: Medical Science, (11 (7), 26–35.



Medical Science