Valery Tuz

National Technical University of Ukraine «Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Ukraine
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department
Department of Atomic Energy

Scopus ID: 6507432684
Researcher ID: GHB-6554-2022
Google Scholar profile: link

Selected Publications:

  1. Tuz, V. O., Lebed, N. L., Lytvynenko, M. P. (2023). The multifactoriality of the procedure for optimizing the design of a twisted heat exchanger located in an annular channel during laminar motion. Energy Technologies & Resource Saving, 74 (1), 80–91. doi:
  2. Tuz, V. O., Lebed, N. L., Kulesh, N. S. (2023). Hydrodynamics of vapor-liquid flows in curvilined channels of separation devices of power plants. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 4, 68–73. doi:
  3. Tuz, V. O., Lebed, N. L. (2021). Heat and mass transfer in two-phase annular flows in channels with capillary-porous walls under first-type boundary conditions. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 23, 100907. doi:
  4. Tuz, V. O., Lebed, N. L. (2021). Heat and mass transfer during adiabatic fluid boiling in channels of contact exchangers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 185, 116383. doi:
  5. Tuz, V. O., Lebed, N. L., Tarasenko, O. M. (2020). Evaporative cooling of the liquid film in slot channels with capillary-porous walls under natural convection. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 18, 100527. doi:
  6. Tuz, V. E., Lebed, N. L., Lebed, I. K. (2014). Hydrodynamics of separation devices for NPP process equipment Nuclear and Radiation Safety, 2 (2014), 10.
  7. Diky, N. A., Koloskova, N. Yu., Tuz, V. E., Dubrovskaya, V. V. (1996). Heat and mass transfer and hydrodynamics of liquid evaporation in contact apparatus with a porous packing. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 13 (2), 85–91. doi: