Global logistics: definition of main concepts and essences




logistics globalization, world-economy globalization, factors of logistics development, driving forces and essence of global logistics


The semantic dimension of the conceptual apparatus used in the studies of global logistics is analyzed.

Inaccuracies in the interpretation of a number of basic concepts, the use of differentiated categories as synonyms, the formulation of definitions of global logistics and its essence, which do not reflect the fundamental content of the phenomena, are established.

Essential signs of global logistics are revealed as an imperative consequence of the globalized world-economy. The content and functional differences of the concepts «logistics globalization factors» and «driving forces of logistics globalization» are disclosed. Definitions of the concepts «global logistics» and «the essence of global logistics» are formulated.

The aim of the scientific work carried out by the author is the development of a methodological approach to the scientific understanding of the content of transformation process of traditional logistics into a globalized industry and practical activities in the new conditions. The proposed methodological approach includes the essential semantic and functional notion of global logistics as a consequence of globalization of the world-economy, factors and driving forces of logistics globalization.

The importance of adopting the right methodological approach lies in the fact that it underlies the formation of a methodology that forms the initial basis of any kind of activity and determines a priori the degree of its effectiveness, including the scientific validity and practical importance of research into the process of transformation of traditional logistics into a globalized industry.

Author Biography

Vitaliy Lukashevich, Odesa National Marine University, 34, Mechnikova str., Odesa, Ukraine, 65029

PhD, Professor

Department of Management, Marketing and Logistics


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How to Cite

Lukashevich, V. (2017). Global logistics: definition of main concepts and essences. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(5(35), 43–48.



Problems of Macroeconomics and Socio-Economic Development: Original Research