Finding of alternative sources of innovations funding in agriculture




development of innovations, agricultural risk, alternative sources, alternative forms of financing, state support of agricultural innovations


The article highlights and explores aspects of alternative financing for the development of agriculture in Ukraine. The main trends that have developed in modern conditions on the use of alternative financing instruments are considered, the features and possibilities of using such forms of attracting financial resources are described. The mechanism of financing through alternative sources will facilitate improved access of business entities of the agricultural sector to financial resources, especially at a time when enterprises carry out production and economic operations that require investments and during their seasonal inactivity. As an alternative to financing the innovations of the agricultural sector, tools are considered that, at a cost, can be cheaper than bank lending and have a less complicated clearance procedure. Alternative forms of financing the development and introduction of innovations in agriculture are considered.

Author Biography

Svetlana Khalatur, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University, 25, Sergey Efremov str., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49000

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Finance and Banking


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How to Cite

Khalatur, S. (2017). Finding of alternative sources of innovations funding in agriculture. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(5(35), 20–25.



Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economy: Original Research