Development of approach to anticipatory risk management of the enterprise under uncertainty conditions
anticipatory risk management, identification of weak signals, preventive measures, optimization of allowable risksAbstract
The object of research is a risk management in the enterprise under uncertainty conditions.
In a period of rapid market transformation of risk management is one of the most important tasks for business entities. Problems of reducing the uncertainty of the external environment management, early diagnosis of risky situations, the adoption of adequate solutions to minimize the impact of threats and use opportunities for enterprise development are still relevant. An effective risk management system under uncertainty conditions becomes an important tool for ensuring the competitiveness and development of the enterprise. Despite certain achievements in the issues of studying risk management, it remains problematic to coordinate the interaction of enterprise risk management with the medium of enterprise operation. Authors propose to solve this problem by means of anticipatory management in the system of risk management of a modern enterprise.
It is found that the risk management should not be aimed at minimizing, but in optimizing the permissible risks and maintaining a balance between the stability of the business and the level of riskiness of the situation. An integrated approach to the anticipatory risk management of the enterprise under uncertainty conditions is developed. This approach allows to maximize the effect of the interaction between risk management and enterprise management environment through early identification of potential events, predicting their future development and adoption of appropriate preventive measures to minimize the impact of threats and opportunities for enterprise development in the long term.
The theoretical value of the research is in development of methodical ensuring of effective risk management of the enterprise in modern conditions. Practical use of the developed approach to reduce the time limits, create an information base for development and sound management decisions, makes it possible to identify potential threats and opportunities before the date of their materialization with the aim of making appropriate preventive management measures. This allows to minimize the impact of threats and take advantage of opportunities for enterprise development. It is this approach to risk management that provides economic agents with competitive advantages in modern dynamic conditions of operation.
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