The transformation approach of complex design bearing for analytic definition its integral characteristics
aerostatic bearing, gas-film lubrication, non-contact driveAbstract
The approximate analytical solution of Reynolds equation for complex design bearing is considered. Such bearings have variable curvature bearing faces, uneven feeding of gas-film lubrication and unsymmetrical distribution of thermodynamic parameters in a gap, that makes difficult to find analytical solution in respect to integral characteristics, such as load capacity and stiffness. In this work an approach of transforming complex aerostatic design bearing to a combination of similar conventional bearings (i.e. load capacity and stiffness of both bearing are equal) is suggested. The difference between both bearing designs is determined. The conventional bearings have typical solutions of Reynolds equation, which allows improved solutions for base bearing modeling and analysis. Use of this approach over numerical calculation of complex bearing design is the definition of functional relations between its parameters.References
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