Use of high-performance plasticizers to provide design and operational requirements for the concrete composition for the construction of floating composite docks
floating composite dock, shipbuilding concrete, plasticizing additives, superplasticizers, strength of concreteAbstract
The object of research is plasticizers, which are the most popular additives for improving the quality properties of concrete, is used to build high-strength reinforced concrete products for hydrotechnical purposes. One of the most problematic places is the strength of concrete. This is due to extreme operating conditions and loads that survive the construction of the floating dock.
Methods of analysis and generalization of scientific literature on design and operational requirements for concrete of hydraulic structures were used during the research.
Data have been obtained that make it possible to compact the concrete mixture, reduce the consumption of cement, increase the frost resistance and waterproofness of concrete. This is due to the fact that the superplasticizers are introduced into the concrete mixture in an amount of 0.15...1.2 % of the cement mass, dilute the concrete mixture to a greater extent than conventional plasticizers. Superplasticizers have a number of features, in particular, the plasticizing effect persists for 1.0...1.5 hours after the addition, and after 2...3 hours it almost disappears.
Thanks to the use of plasticizers it is possible to increase the mobility of the concrete mix without reducing the strength of the concrete.
The combination of plasticizers with other types of additives (hardening accelerator, microsilica, air entraining admixtures) for concretes and mortars allows plants to produce high strength mixtures with unique properties.
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