Visualization of the pool fire action zones with using MapInfo GIS for the number of filling stations of the Odessa (Ukraine) residential district
potentially dangerous object, filling station, pool fire, geo-information system, domino effectAbstract
The object of research is a system of filling stations (traditional filling stations) of the traditional type within the Malinovsky district of Odessa (Ukraine). One of the most problematic places of functioning of filling stations, as potentially dangerous objects, is their location within residential areas, on motorways with high traffic intensity, close to other infrastructure facilities. A significant danger is the location of several filling stations in a limited area, in close proximity to each other.
The radii of the action zones of thermal radiation from a pool fire at various intensities for 4 types of fuel (gasoline A-80, A-95, A-95, diesel fuel) are calculated. It is shown that dangerous for a person distances from filling stations are reached at 650 m. The safest of all fuels is diesel fuel, and the safety of gasoline rises with the growth of the octane number.
In the course of the study, a method for visualizing the action zones of the pool fire factor is developed using MapInfo GIS. The proposed method makes it possible to visualize the calculated radii of damage by thermal radiation on the map of the Malinovskiy district based on the geology of each filling station. It is clearly shown that the filling stations cover the territory of the district with a dense network and create the risks of damaging the consequences of an emergency fire of its most part.
Due to this, the possibilities of visualizing not only the mutual location of the filling stations as sources of negative impacts and potential accidents, but also of the respective recipients under specific urban conditions
In comparison with similar examples of assessments of the consequences of accidents at filling stations, the geo-information system makes it possible to identify the groups of filling stations for which the development of an emergency situation is possible by the mechanism of «dominoes». In the presence of an external ignition source, an escalation of the accident may develop, which in turn can initiate dangerous events at the next filling station.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Sergej Smyk, Kateryna Vasiutynska, Oleksii Ivanov, Irina Shevchuk

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