Research of the essence of social risk management
management of social risks, optimization of social risks, risk management, risk management institutions in UkraineAbstract
The object of research is the essence of social risk management in terms of determining its main features. It is shown that the research object is multidimensional and consists of:
1) factors that induce social risks;
2) the most risks, as a reflection of problems in scientific thought;
3) organizational, economic and creative processes that accompany risk management and constitute its essence.
The shortcomings of the object of research include inaccuracies in the definitions and the absence of a unified approach to risk management in national bodies and in private, corporate and public organizations.
The study uses a generalization method based on abstraction. This approach is associated with the availability of disparate information on the stated topic. By generalization, invariants containing the essence of social risk management are sought.
As a result of the research, the main features of the research object are identified, logically linked and formulated. The general nature of the uncertainty of risks is revealed, which can’t be minimized by human efforts. Human efforts should be directed to the development of a stream of concrete (though not entirely correct, if not erroneous) solutions in conditions of uncertainty and unpredictability. The characteristic differences between institutions dealing with social risk management are clarified. The corresponding classification is offered on the example of Ukrainian institutes. It is concluded that there is a need to strengthen existing institutions of social risk management in Ukraine and increase the professional training of existing managers.
The work is of interest to scientists who study problems of social risk management and representatives of government bodies of all levels.
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