Choosing an effective insulation for reservoirs with high-temperature pitch


  • Ирина Анатольевна Назаренко Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy, 69006, Zaporozhye, Lenina 226, Ukraine



thermal insulation, heat losses, high-temperature pitch, vertical steel reservoir


The article analyzes heat-insulating materials to reduce heat losses to the environment of reservoirs with a high-temperature pitch. At enterprises producing graphitized electrodes there are strict requirements for storage technology of high-temperature pitch, so thermal insulation in addition to power-saving features, enables the processes of heating of the pitch at a given temperature level. The article justifies the thermal insulation for vertical steel reservoirs. There is a comparison of the thermal insulation Nobasil LSP and TEMP-COAT. It was shown that reduction of heat losses would reduce a coolant flow by 30%. From the point of view of the economic reasonability the thermal insulation TEMP-COAT is recommended, because the payback period is 1.7 times smaller. These results can be used as bases for the design of energy-efficient modes of operation of pitch enterprise "Ukrgrafit."

Author Biography

Ирина Анатольевна Назаренко, Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy, 69006, Zaporozhye, Lenina 226


Department of Heat Power Engineering


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How to Cite

Назаренко, И. А. (2013). Choosing an effective insulation for reservoirs with high-temperature pitch. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(2(10), 11–13.