Investigation influence of pores on the thermal conductivity of the material


  • Андрей Александрович Чейлытко Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy, 69006, Zaporozhye, Lenina 226, Ukraine



thermal conductivity, porosity, the structure of the material, heat transfer, thermal insulation material, thermal resistance


Considered the possibility to improve the thermophysical properties of heat-insulating foam on the stage of production at the expense of obtaining the necessary qualitative and quantitative characteristics of porosity. It is shown that not only the value of porosity or volumetric weight of a material impact on the thermophysical properties of the material, but also the qualitative characteristics of porosity (the form and the size of the pores, the location of the pore volume of the material). Analyzed the existing dependence of the definition of the effective coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material, depending on the size and location of the pores in it and held their comparison with the earlier experimental data. Shows the drawbacks of the existing dependencies of determination of the effective coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material from the type of porosity (as for the porous material, and to disperse systems). It is recommended that such a structure the structure of a porous heat-insulating material, in which the coefficient of thermal conductivity will be minimal (with the same volumetric weight). Also defined are the most reliable of the dependence of the thermal conductivity of porosity to disperse systems backfill material and the necessity of their adjustment empirical coefficients.

Author Biography

Андрей Александрович Чейлытко, Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy, 69006, Zaporozhye, Lenina 226

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Department of Thermal Power Engineering


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How to Cite

Чейлытко, А. А. (2013). Investigation influence of pores on the thermal conductivity of the material. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(2(10), 14–17.