Substantiation of methodical approaches to cost estimation of innovative technologies




methods of economic estimation of technologies, methodical explications, transfer of innovative technologies, scientific and technical products


The object of research is the estimation of technologies developed in universities. One of the most aspects of implementing the transfer of innovative technologies from universities to the business environment in Ukraine is the lack of necessary and sufficient amount of methodological developments aimed at the effective cost estimation of technology. The existing developments are mainly of an industrial or local nature, are fragmentary. So, standing estimation is the basis for the successful commercialization of technologies and their market spread. Taking into account this, problem is scientifically and practically meaningful.

In the course of scientific work, current approaches and methods for the cost estimation of innovative technologies are considered. The regulatory and legal documents regulating the estimation of innovative technologies developed at universities have been analyzed. Refinement is a costly method of estimating the value of innovative technologies by justifying expressions for planning cost indicators and applying the proposed individual price indices. Advantages of the improved method for cost estimation of technology is a high level of accuracy in forecasting economic elements of costs as part of the cost of the facility. The explication of methods of cost estimation of technologies developed in universities, with methods of pricing is offered. Methodical explications can be used as a tool for making decisions about the appropriateness of starting a particular research or development work. The matrix of the ratio of the estimation indicators, price and profit is developed on the basis of explications of estimation and pricing methods.

This is the basis for development of other methods of economic estimation of technology.

The suggested methodical approaches allow to substantiate management decisions on development of technologies (from the stage of enrolling to the balance of universities to the stage of selecting a commercialization scenario, transfer and dissemination of these technologies on the market). And also to conduct effective strategic planning of the university's technological progress, etc.

Author Biographies

Vasyl Kozyk, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, Bandery str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79013

PhD, Professor, Head of the Department

Department of Economics of Enterprises and Investments

Oleksandra Mrykhina, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, Bandery str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79013

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Economics of Enterprises and Investments

Orest Koleshchuk, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, Bandery str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79013

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Economics of Enterprises and Investments

Tamara Mirkunova, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12, Bandery str., Lviv, Ukraine, 79013

Postgraduate Student

Department of Economics of Enterprises and Investments


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How to Cite

Kozyk, V., Mrykhina, O., Koleshchuk, O., & Mirkunova, T. (2018). Substantiation of methodical approaches to cost estimation of innovative technologies. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(4(41), 25–33.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research