Development of method of increasing the performance of touch networks of measurement of distances
wireless network, mechanical quantities, computerized measurement system, information-measuring systemAbstract
The subject of the study is the wireless sensor network of the ZigBee protocol, which in this study is proposed for performing the function of measuring the distance between objects. The main areas of application are security facilities, such as warehouses, shops, exhibitions and expositions, where it is important to control the movement of valuables in a limited area with a large concentration of people. The sensors are made on a flexible basis, attach to valuable objects and all the time transfer information about the distance relative to each other. One of the most problematic places is the limited bandwidth of data transmission channels. Also, for the above-described rooms are all kinds of obstacles, like mechanical (walls, partitions, metal shelves), and radio interference, for example, wireless network interfaces of buyers' phones and others.
The study used a method to improve the performance of wireless sensor networks within computerized distance measurement systems based on the decomposition of the lower levels of the OSI reference model.
The same capacity indicators as for analogues were obtained, but the load that the network node sustained was 2.5 times higher. This is due to the fact that the proposed method of increasing productivity, has a number of features that improve performance characteristics, in particular in areas of uncertain reception almost twice.
Thanks to this, it is possible to operate the network at a maximum speed of 32.5 Mbps. Compared to analogs in which the maximum speed is 12.5 Mbps this provides more accurate results of distance measurement. Also, thanks to this speed reserve, the best noise immunity is provided, as well as the ability to locate network nodes at distances that are greater than those of analogues.
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