Comparative analysis of the efficiency of gas boilers by express method of multi-criteria assessment




gas boiler, energy equipment efficiency, system analysis, weighting factor


The object of the research is a method of fast analysis of multi-criteria evaluation on the example of comparing the efficiency of domestic gas WHGA-type boilers. Currently, the Ukrainian market offers a large number of gas boilers of Ukrainian and foreign manufacturing plants, which has minor differences. This is primarily due to the simplicity of the constructive solution of gas boilers of this model and using the same Italian burner devices and automation units for them.

Comparing the efficiencyof this type of product is a big problem. Existing methods of calculating efficiencyindicators and existing regulatory documents do not always give a correct value of product quality. Therefore this paper proposes a new method of express analysis of efficiency comparison, which allows in a short time to make a correct comparison of the efficiencyof boiler equipment without using a large number of calculations that require a lot of time. This problem is solved by choosing three anchor efficiency criteria, namely, energy, environmental and economic, with the subsequent determination of the confidence intervals of each of the indicators and the construction of a three-criterion diagram on their basis. This method allows to visually see the disadvantages and advantages of each of the boilers, plan measures for their modernization and determine their rating.

In the course of the research, materials from a technical report of warm-heat tests of seven gas boilers using the standard technique were used. The analysis of the results was performed using the sum method followed by ranking of affects and subsequent verification of the proposed quick method of comparison of effectiveness. The obtained qualitative result allows to conclude that the proposed express method in more detail and correctly than other known methods of analysis determines the rating position of each boiler. This allows a potential investor to draw the right conclusion when replacing and purchasing new boiler equipment. Using the method of express analysis allows manufacturers of boiler equipment to conduct a real assessment of product quality and identify ways to overcome its shortcomings.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr Demchenko, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2a, Zhelyabova str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057

PhD, Senior Researcher, Head of Department

Department of Processes and Technologies of Heat Supply

Andrii Trubachev, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2a, Zhelyabova str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057

PhD, Senior Researcher

Department of Processes and Technologies of Heat Supply

Serhii Hron, Institute of Engineering Thermophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2a, Zhelyabova str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03057



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How to Cite

Demchenko, V., Trubachev, A., & Hron, S. (2018). Comparative analysis of the efficiency of gas boilers by express method of multi-criteria assessment. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(1(43), 34–41.



Technology and System of Power Supply: Original Research