Deposition of TiCl2(3) in molten KCl:NaCl:MgCl2 according to the humidity of loaded NaCl
Electrolysis of magnesium, production line, lower titanium chlorides, factor experiment, humidityAbstract
The presence of titanium in the reverse chloride magnesium of titanium production, entering in an electrolysis workshop producing raw magnesium, leads to the reduction of output of magnesium by current and to the malfunction of magnesium electrolyzers. The available literature data indicate that, as a rule, the reduction of the current efficiency has seasonal nature: the consistently high values of current efficiency are observed in the period of the year with high humidity, and vice versa - in dry periods the reduction in current efficiency is observed. The technological challenge is to ensure the contact of the electrolyte of magnesium electrolyzers with moisture in dry months of the year. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of moisture on the removal of titanium from the melt into an insoluble deposition, which would help to develop technological solutions to improve the performance of electrolysis.
In this respect, we have carried out the full factor experiment 23. This technique allows assessing of the significance of the influence of each of the selected factors on the optimization parameter - the number of deposited titanium from the melt.
The obtained regression equation indicates that the substantial influence on the electrolyte purification from impurities of titanium has moisture, in this case moisture of the table salt. The analysis of samples of all the experiments on the content of magnesium oxide showed that it does not exceed 0.05% of the masses.
The practical recommendation that can be drawn from the experimental data is that it is necessary to load the damp salt in the dry season to the head unit of the production line or into a working electrolyzer during the filling of the next portion of magnesium chlorideReferences
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