The analysis of the alternative projects to estimaing the amount and model of the vehicle
Alternative project of the motor vehicle, the same type of goods, net present value, performanceAbstract
The author emphasizes the fact that in today's market conditions determining the number and brands of vehicles (ATS) should be considered not only with its technical and technological point of view, but also the costs of alternative projects should be analyzed.
In modern conditions, a variety of different types and models of rolling stock can be used for the carriage of the same types of goods most suitable according to certain parameters of vehicles. Such parameters, for example, can be performance, cost, and others.
The calculation of costs is a crucial factor in determining the number and model of the vehicle. It is necessary to take into account not only current costs but also the costs that will inevitably be incurred if the project is accepted. However, in addition to economic and accounting costs, it is necessary to consider the project from the point of view of the available alternatives, as spending the same amount of the means of production can be achieved through economic effect.
The most important from the point of view of the owner of the project and the investors are the indicators of the commercial viability of investment projects, which the conditions of the system can allocate the net present value (NPV). Analysis of the results of this indicator allows to choose the project of forming the vehicle fleet, the efficiency of which is the maximum for the lifetime of the project. Also, taking into consideration the opportunity of serving several customers with the same type of goods on a transport label, you can find alternatives to the project by compiling a matrix that displays the performance of such services, subject to certain restrictionsReferences
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