Research of the stages of the distribution of international cargo traffic processing in combined transportation


  • Євген Семенович Альошинський Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Kharkov, pl. Feuerbach 7, Ukraine
  • Софія Олександрівна Світлична Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Kharkov, pl. Feuerbach 7, Ukraine
  • Юлія Юріївна Виборнова Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Kharkov, pl. Feuerbach 7, Ukraine



Port Transportation Hub (PTH), Commercial Sea Port (CSP), Port Railway Station (PRS)


This article highlights the key issues concerning the improvement the efficiency of the operation of merchant seaports and stations, due to the study and improvement of the international cargo traffic organization system. On the basis of the analysis of the current state of the port transportation hubs development the article presents the gradual process of the import and transit goods processing, with the definition of tasks on its operation improvement and their possible solutions. The method of dynamic programming was developed to create the most advantageous technological scheme of on arrival-operations execution and simulation method of dynamic coordination consistent cargo traffic supply. As a result of the research a number of improvements were suggested at each stage of processing of import and transit cargoes in combined transportation, which can be used in the formation of rational modes of international goods transportation.

Author Biographies

Євген Семенович Альошинський, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Kharkov, pl. Feuerbach 7

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

The Department of Transport Systems and Logistics

Софія Олександрівна Світлична, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Kharkov, pl. Feuerbach 7

Graduate student

The Department of Transport Systems and Logistics

Юлія Юріївна Виборнова, Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, Kharkov, pl. Feuerbach 7

The Department of Transport Systems and Logistics


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How to Cite

Альошинський, Є. С., Світлична, С. О., & Виборнова, Ю. Ю. (2013). Research of the stages of the distribution of international cargo traffic processing in combined transportation. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(1(12), 27–33.