Prerequisites for formation of needs of enterprises for engineering services in the implementation of new technologies


  • Василь Мирославович Кащишин Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 Bandera street, Lviv, Ukraine, 79013, Ukraine



engineering, engineering services, technology, administrative decisions, economic efficiency, cash flow


Increased competition, decreased demand for a number of industrial products in the domestic and global markets, increasing energy prices and other factors encourage domestic industries to develop and implement measures to improve their technical and technological base. However, the implementation of measures for introduction of new types of equipment and technologies often requires large amounts of research and design work that the company usually cannot to carry out themselves. One of the main ways for an enterprise to get external assistance in the development and (or) implementation of non-autonomous administrative decisions on the development and introduction of new technologies in modern business environment is the use of engineering. Existing methods for assessing the economic efficiency and justification for transition to new technologies of production do not sufficiently take into account the conditions of their development and implementation, including the possible need for involving engineering firms. The study showed that in some cases a company is better to create its own department that would perform engineering works. The proposed measures allow to implement with due accuracy the evaluation of economic efficiency of such department, and the proposed method of evaluating the economic efficiency of engineering services for the development and implementation of new technologies of manufacturing allows you to set the conditions under which it is profitable to replace existing technology by the new, including the engineering services for the development and implementation of new technological processes.

Author Biography

Василь Мирославович Кащишин, Lviv Polytechnic National University, 12 Bandera street, Lviv, Ukraine, 79013


The Department of Finance


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How to Cite

Кащишин, В. М. (2013). Prerequisites for formation of needs of enterprises for engineering services in the implementation of new technologies. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4(2(12), 56–60.