Intensification of wastewater purification of municipal solid waste landfills




municipal domestic waste landfill, activated coagulant solution, ionic associates, anodic-dissolved iron, coagulant dose


The object of research is the wastewater of municipal solid waste landfills and the effectiveness of using a combination of various technological methods, in particular, a combination of reagent and biological methods to bring the quality of filtrate to regulatory requirements. In particular, a reduction in the negative impact of wastewaters of MSW landfills, which contain toxic organic substances, on the environment and human health is achieved.

In the course of the research, a comparative analysis was performed of the effectiveness of using conventional and activated coagulant solution of aluminum sulfate. A certain dependence of the activation parameters and the efficiency of cleaning the filtrate of landfills are obtained. To achieve the aim set in the work, the chemical composition of the landfill filtrate was studied at different stages of operation and the parameters of the reagent wastewater treatment of landfill sites were optimized. And also studied the kinetics and revealed the laws of the coagulation process when the coagulant solution is activated.

When conducting research, the proposed technology was tested, pilot tests were carried out and an analysis of the technical and economic efficiency of the technology implementation was given. When performing experimental studies, a set of methods for determining pH levels, COD (chemical oxygen demand), BOD (biological oxygen demand), etc. was used. High efficiency of using the reagent method in combination with biological treatment for filtration waters characteristic of the methanogenesis stage was proved. The proposed technology has a number of features, in particular, during the activation of the reagent solution, a magnetic field is applied, as a result of which a change in the structure of the solution and the formation of additional coagulation centers are observed.

The paper presents the results of a study of the technological and economic efficiency of the proposed technology, in particular, it has been proven to reduce operating costs when introducing the considered technological scheme and the proposed hardware design. Compared with other known technologies that involve the stage of reagent cleaning, this will allow to intensify the coagulation process and reduce the estimated dose of coagulant by 25–30 %, without degrading the quality of cleaning.

Author Biography

Maria Degtyar, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, 17, Marshalа Bazhanovа str., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Water Supply, Water Disposal and Water Purification


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How to Cite

Degtyar, M. (2018). Intensification of wastewater purification of municipal solid waste landfills. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(3(46), 22–24.



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