The basis of port enterprise financial strategy
financial strategy, strategy selection matrix, port enterprise, financial risksAbstract
The object of research is the process of forming a financial strategy of a port enterprise. The subject of this research is some aspects of the mechanism for choosing a financial strategy for a port enterprise, namely, a methodological approach to choosing a financial strategy. One of the most problematic places is the components of the strategy formation mechanism, despite the fact that various methods are used in the theory and practice of financial management, each of which has its own disadvantages and advantages. These techniques include methods of matrix modeling, strategic analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of activities, financial analysis. The use of certain methodological approaches to choosing a financial strategy should comprehensively present the procedure for choosing alternative directions of strategic development.
During the study, a matrix approach is used to select the type of financial strategy of the port enterprise, which requires determining the sequence of the individual stages of the formation of the corresponding matrices. In the modern scientific literature, the process of constructing such matrices of strategic choice is not given enough attention. According to a single parameter composition of the matrix, all types of enterprise strategies, without exception, can’t be selected. At the first stage, it is possible to use the classification of types of financial strategies of port enterprises. However, not all types of strategies will require matrix choices.
During the study, the conditions of the formation of the financial strategy of the enterprise and the competence of the financial strategy of a modern port enterprise are considered. And also an example of a methodological approach for choosing a financial strategy for a port enterprise is given, namely, the main and auxiliary matrix for choosing the type of financial strategy of the first class is formed. The system of factors that influence the choice of the financial strategy of this class is determined, and they are ranked by degree of influence. For each class of strategies, the main factors are selected according to the criterion of the level of their influence, diagnostics at the previous stage. The depth of differentiation is determined for each of the selected factors, which can fluctuate in a significant range.
The technique chosen in the work allows to more clearly present the process of choosing the financial strategy of an individual enterprise.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Chiz Ludmila, Natalia Khotyeyeva, Natalia Zadorozna

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