The theoretical approach to the description of the extrtusion process of the composite organic raw materials
composite organic raw materials, before the matrix zone, coaxial confusor, single screw extruderAbstract
Currently the usage of screw extruders for the processing of organic composite materials (WPCs, fuel briquettes , extrusion feed and food products, biodegradable plastic products, organic-mineral fertilizers) becomes a relevant question in the chemical industry. The actuality of the extruder's research confirms large number of publications and patents, many of which are focused on the practical aspects of the usage of the extruders and material's transformation processes in the extruder.
The aim of this work is the developing of theoretical approach to the study of the extruder's pre-matrix zone during processing of the organic composite materials. Within the theoretical approach the movement of raw materials in the pre-matrix zone is considered as the fluid motion in a coaxial confusor that needs to be supplemented by information on the rheological characteristics of the raw materials, taking into account the thermal effects.
Further theoretical and practical studies should determine the rheological properties of the concrete types of raw materials, the real boundary conditions of flow and ensure the accounting of thermal effects.References
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