Research of economy alloyed of titanic alloy with the set chemical composition


  • Александр Викторович Осипенко Zaporizhzhya National Technical University 69063, Ukraine, Zaporozhye, st. Zhukovsky, 64, Ukraine



titanium alloy, titanium sponge, alloying, sintering, chemical composition, impurities, microstructure


The study of the structure and mechanical properties of sparingly alloyed sintered titanium alloy Ti0,25O1,5Fe, obtained by hydride powder metallurgy of titanium using spongy titanium as a raw material with a specified composition of alloying elements O and Fe, was conducted. The sintering of samples was conducted at the temperature of 1310 °C, based upon the results of our own research, as well as the sintering modes of industrial sintered titanium alloy 2М2А: heating in vacuum furnace with a speed of 20 °C/min to a temperature of 1310 °C and shutter speed of 4 hours. At the temperature 500 °C a shutter speed of 1 hour was carried out to prevent cracking of the material as a result of heavy hydrogen emission. Titanium sponge of fractions from 0 to 2 mm was treated with vibrating screening and sieving at the installation with the receipt of titanium sponge powder of fraction from 0,08 to 0,45 mm with a given content of oxygen and iron. The studied titanium sponge powder, compared with the requirements of the normative document, after its processing and allocation in separate fraction, contained alloying elements O and Fe at a level acceptable to the desired composition of alloying (O — 0,25 % (mass.), Fe — 1,5 % (mass.)), by the content of other impurities it corresponded to the highest grades of titanium sponge. Titanium sponge with a specified composition of alloying elements (O — 0,25 % (mass.), Fe — 1,5 % (mass.)) was obtained. On its basis sparingly alloyed sintered Ti alloy Ti0,25O1,5Fe was developed having a high level of mechanical properties: σВ — 630 MPa, δ — 7 % and ψ — 28 %. The conclusions were made about the economic attractiveness of use of titanium sponge with a given chemical composition as a raw material for the production of sparingly alloyed sintered titanium alloys.

Author Biography

Александр Викторович Осипенко, Zaporizhzhya National Technical University 69063, Ukraine, Zaporozhye, st. Zhukovsky, 64

Graduate student 


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How to Cite

Осипенко, А. В. (2013). Research of economy alloyed of titanic alloy with the set chemical composition. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(2(13), 14–17.



Production reserves