Program implementation of k-means method of intelligent information-control system of compound feed production
compound feed, technological process, management, method, algorithm, intelligent control, clustering, analysisAbstract
The issue of classifying data when managing technological processes and compound feed production was substantiated. The program complex performs functions of integrated optimization and analysis of compound feed and premix rations. The programs involve new pattern of ration which first takes into account losses caused by unbalanced feeding (reduction of productivity, reproduction, health and breeding abilities). The programs allow comprehensive optimization of rations, determination of necessary feed additives and formulation of recipes of compound feeds, premixes, PVMA (protein-vitamin-mineral additives), which are very well combined with basic feed and considered when planning the feed expenditure. The issue of optimization of feed production plan is important for all agricultural enterprises with livestock industries, but it is extremely topical for livestock-based industries producing feeds, since it allows finding additional feed production reserves by means of improving the structure of sown areas and feed expenditure. Before creating livestock complexes, it is necessary to identify the sources and amounts of feed supply. Substantiation of the feed base and computing of the plan variants should be implemented using methods of mathematical modeling and ECM. The analysis of data classification was made and the choice of the k-means method for feed components classification was substantiated. The software for the k-means algorithm implementation was developed and various algorithm patterns, depending on initial conditions, were worked out.
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