The model of particle motion in a magnetic hydrocyclone


  • Борис Александрович Авдеев Kerch State Maritime Technological University Str. Ordzhonikidze, 82, Kerch, Crimea, Ukraine, 98309, Ukraine



model, magnetic hydrocyclone Lagrange approach, the magnetic field


The model of curvilinear motion of particles in a hydrocyclone with a radial magnetic field. As the force acting on the particle considered the following: the centrifugal force, drag force, including taking into account changes of drag coefficient from the walls of the cyclone, the magnetic force, the gravitational force, the Archimedes force, the lift force acting on a rotating particle (the Magnus effect); lifting force, which arises due to the shift of the field of fluid flow (Saffman force), the force generated an additional (virtual) weight, the traction force generated by the pressure gradient; Basset force which arises due to the delay of the boundary layer of the liquid at the change of the relative velocity particles. The analysis of forces is contained numerical formulas for calculating them and images; allocated the forces which have significant effect in the dynamics of a particle. The model is based on the Lagrange approach and is made in a cylindrical coordinate system. The numerical solution of systems of differential equations, performed with use of the program MathCAD.

Author Biography

Борис Александрович Авдеев, Kerch State Maritime Technological University Str. Ordzhonikidze, 82, Kerch, Crimea, Ukraine, 98309

Department of electric vehicles and automation


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How to Cite

Авдеев, Б. А. (2013). The model of particle motion in a magnetic hydrocyclone. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(1(13), 36–41.



Technology audit