Methodology of building multicriterion differential-game models and methods


  • Руслан Валентинович Грищук Zhytomyr Military Institute named after Sergey Korolyov, Pr. Mira, 23, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10004, Ukraine



cyber attack process, security level, multicriterion differential-game model, information resource.


The paper gives a methodology of analysis and synthesis of multicriterion differential-game models and methods of modeling the processes of cyber attack. Established methodology of uniform systems approaches allows the synthesis of multicriterion differential-game methods of cyber attacks modeling that involve the use of the systems of appropriate models with various degrees of accuracy, from the models of security evaluation to the models of cyber attack dynamics prediction. Application of the methodology facilitates the integration of advanced information security systems into the newly created information technologies, that along with the solution of basic assigned tasks, solve the problem of information security and are sustainable to the predicted class of cyber attacks and parameters that characterize them. The results of the methodology are reflected both in quantitative and qualitative forms, which does not contradict the basic tenets of the theory of complex systems.

Author Biography

Руслан Валентинович Грищук, Zhytomyr Military Institute named after Sergey Korolyov, Pr. Mira, 23, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10004

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher

Science Center


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How to Cite

Грищук, Р. В. (2013). Methodology of building multicriterion differential-game models and methods. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(5(13), 43–45.