Evaluation and prediction of human resources development
mathematical modeling, re-emigration, productive forces, human resources.Abstract
1. The research results of applying mathematical modeling in prediction of development of human resources as a part of productive forces in the region are given in the paper. The objective of the paper is to develop a mathematical model, which evaluates and predicts the development of human resources and stimulates re-emigration.
2. Using mathematical modeling, the model of estimating the development of human resources with the growth of re-emigration and immigration was made.
3. The mathematical model for predicting the development of human resources can eliminate labor imbalance in the labor market in current crisis conditions.
4. Development of prediction model of human resources development is described formally. The research results can be used for further detailed development of the model. It is necessary to determine the quantity and quality of human resources, create the mechanism to assess these characteristics and a system of complex indexes, which can be used to provide the values of human resources condition for qualitative and quantitative characteristics. It would be reasonable to develop a document flow, forms, reports, software to speed up the processing of data and information, as well as the implementation of forecasts.
5. The proposed mathematical model is simple, yet reliable. It allows simulating labor market conditions when returning to the country of a certain number of re-emigrants or substantial outflow of labor force abroad.References
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