Indicators of demographic security assessment
national security, demographic security, indicator, migration processes, integrated indicator.Abstract
The problems of assessment of demographic security as a component of national security are discussed in the paper. The main purpose of the study is to determine the list of indicators characterizing the demographic security and to find a method of their introduction into an integral indicator.
Analysis of the list of indicators that are proposed by the approved methodology for assessment of demographic security level showed its incompleteness as a result of the lack of the indicator characterizing the migration processes. The study of approaches of scientists in this area allowed to complement this list with two more indicators: depopulation factor and the average age of population. It is proposed to form an integral indicator for the assessment of security demographic level. Weight coefficients of the integral indicator are suggested to determine using the method of preferences. Next, the level of demographic security is determined by normalizing the actual values of indicators. Maximum value of the indicator on the basis of normalization will be equal to one. The obtained formula allows the assessment of the demographic security level of region and country as a whole.
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