Heat exchange simulation in energy zones of a rotarykiln with change of heat resistance of the body
rotary kiln, thermal resistance of the lining, additional thermal insulation, exhaust gases, thermal energyAbstract
The object of research is high-temperature thermal units – rotary kilns. Rotary kilns are used in various industries. The specified equipment has high energy consumption, which is due to the operating conditions of the kiln units in compliance with a number of technological requirements for thermal conditions. At the same time, the problem of high energy intensity is aggravated by the low level of useful energy resources. One of the most problematic places is the thermal and operational characteristics of rotary kilns, as well as the use of lining with increased thermal resistance.
Physical and mathematical models are used. It is proposed to calculate a rotary kiln for the production of cement with a size of 5x185 m and a capacity of 75 t/h. A mathematical model is obtained for computer simulation of technological processes in rotary cement kilns. The possibilities of reducing fuel consumption by increasing the thermal resistance of the lining of a rotary kiln are considered. The most energy-intensive zones are determined and the effect on the thermal efficiency of using additional thermal insulation in various energy zones in a rotary kiln is analyzed. Calculations and the results of a numerical experiment are presented. The most rational areas for the use of lining with additional thermal insulation are determined. It is found that with the integrated application of the proposed method, fuel consumption in a thermal unit can be reduced by 9 %. And an increase in the thermal resistance of the lining installed in high temperature zones will increase the energy efficiency of the thermal unit. A significant advantage of this method is the fact that an increase in kiln productivity does not require additional fuel consumption, an increase in temperature, or an increase in the enthalpy of combustion products.
In the future, it is planned to study the mechanism for establishing a heat-insulating layer in the refractories of the lining, determining their optimal thermal efficiency and stress-strain state to eliminate the possibility of destruction. As well as determining the optimal structural form of the refractory and the cell with thermal insulation.
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